Posted by : Deborah Takahashi
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Product Summary: focuses on the
health, psychological, and emotional needs of teenagers. When teens
enter the website, they have a variety of "Q/A" topics they can explore
by reading the body of the interface or using the links to the left of
the screen.

The layout of the site is very simple, which makes it easy to navigate.
teens select a topic, such as "Emotions," they will get a topic tree
that has a list of options that are related to that topic. What is great
about this website is the simplicity since all of the page layouts are
consistent with the back pages; the only page that is different is the
main interface.Once users have browsed through the topic, or, in this
case, a series of "Frequently Asked Questions," they will get an
article that provides practical advice on how to resolve the issue.
Critical Evaluation:
This website is a great asset for teens who need help with issues that vary from losing weight to physical abuse. The advice that is given not only help teens understand their issue, but provides through steps that deal with the problem, especially if it is very serious such as suicide, sexual abuse, and anger. Another great aspect of this site, is the advice is based on specific questions that are asked frequently, which helps teens know that they are not the one only ones suffering from those problems. In reading an
article, about anger, one teen asked how they can prevent himself from killing their abusive father. The author provided a very sound advice, encouraging the teen to take proactive steps to remove themselves from a dangerous situation. moreover, there are phone numbers and weblinks that provide additional information as well. The medical advisory board and the editorial staff provide make it very clear that the advice on this site is for educational purposes and should not take the place of professional help for those who need it. If teens are having issues, and need a point in the right direction, than this site is perfect beginning point.
Information about the Website: was established in 1998 by its sister company and
Pediatric Health Alliance, LLC. The
mission of this website is to
"provide a secure environment where teens can ask questions and find reliable and useful information about subjects such as emotions, peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, puberty, sex, fitness and stress" (para.1). This particular site was created to focus on on the health needs of adolescents, which make it very unique and personalized. According to
The pediatricians and adolescent medicine specialists who developed the site knew the resourcefulness of the Internet could easily turn into a conglomeration of misinformation if a reliable destination was not created. The two factors separating TeenGrowth from other sites are: (1) all content is provided and reviewed by a Medical Advisory Board of highly recognized and respected physicians in the private and academic sectors in the field of pediatrics and adolescent medicine; and (2) TeenGrowth only focuses on health issues" (2011, para. 2).
Medical Advisory Board & Editorial team consists of qualified health professionals and professionals who have experience in Pediatrics and education. This site continues is constantly updated so teens will continue to access resources that are are current and relevant.
Teen Websites
Reading Level/Interest:
Grades 9 & up
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