Posted by : Deborah Takahashi Monday, April 4, 2011

About this Magazine:
In this issue of Shonen Jump, Manga and Anime fans will read about the new Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D movie, new Anime episodes, new cards, game strategies, and much more. Shonen Jump is "The World's Most Popular Manga"  magazine that brings the latest and greatest Manga and Anime news to readers and, more importantly, it has improved it services by providing more series, more anime previews, more free stuff, etc. In this particular issue, Yu-Gi-Oh! fans will get reviews and insight to the: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: World Championship 2011 Over the Nexus, Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time Movie, Yu-Gi-Oh! game card strategies, and a chapter to the latest Yu-Gi-OH! 5D's: Ride-03: Lord of the Underworld.

Along with the Yu-Gi-Oh!, this issue includes episodes from Naruto, Bleach, Psyren, Death Note: Universe,  and One Piece; these series are still running in Japan so readers can get a sneak peak into the upcoming volumes, which have yet to be released by Viz Media. Lastly, each issue contains previews and advertisements for new releases and other articles where readers can access, or download, their favorite manga through iTunes or the Viz Store. This is an essential periodical to any Teen collection.

Critical Evaluation:
Shonen Jump is a great periodical for teens because it not only introduces new readers to the world of Manga, it provides avid fans with new releases, which gets them excited about the upcoming volumes. Manga for English-speaking audiences is now easily accessible, due to publishers such as Viz Media, since it provides quality translations of the original works. Although some readers are unwilling to wait for new releases, they can access "scan-a-lations" where individuals, not affiliated with publishing companies, take it upon themselves to translate, and scan those translations, for readers. Most of the time, these translations work (we have an idea of what is going on); however, not all translations are correct. Moreover, due to licensing issues, scan-a-lations are being removed since they violate copyrights.  Shonen Jump, which is owned by three major Japanese publishers, works with their Japanese colleagues to make sure each story is translated perfectly.

Publisher Information:
Located in San Francisco, CA, Viz Media is " one of the most comprehensive and innovative companies in the field of manga (graphic novel) publishing, animation and entertainment licensing of Japanese content. Owned by three of Japan's largest creators and licensors of manga and animation, Shueisha Inc., Shogakukan Inc., and Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, Co., Ltd., VIZ Media is a leader in the publishing and distribution of Japanese manga for English speaking audiences in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa and is a global ex-Asia licensor of Japanese manga and animation" (para.1). Along with publishing and distribution, Viz Media offers Shonen Jump, graphic novels, and DVDs, and "develops, markets, licenses, and distributes animated entertainment for audiences and consumers of all ages" (para.2). 

Teen Magazines

Reading Level/Interest:
Grades 9 & up

Magazines Similar to Shonen Jump:

Awards & Recognition:
According to Wikipedia, Shonen Jump is "one of the longest-running manga magazines in Japan, it has a circulation of 2.8 million copies" (para. 1). 

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Wow,Really nice post. My favorite Magazine cover pic. Thanks for your post. I am really happy to see my favorite magazine here. :D
    I just ordered for my self at PIJ. hope this will get within 3 days.


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Deborah Takahashi
Pasadena, CA, United States
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