Plot Summary:
With the passing of Dumbledore, and Hogwarts is no longer safe, Harry Potter, Hermoine, and Ron are in search of the remaining horcruxes that store Voldemort's soul. The movie opens with Hermoine erasing her parents memories and the Dursley's leaving their home since muggles are no longer safe. The teens have decided to not return to Hogwarts, which leaves them in great danger so the Order of the Phoenix has decided to take great measures in hiding Harry from the Death Eaters. Unfortunately, with Voldemort's rising power, he has managed to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic, which has put a bounty on Harry Potter's head.
When everything seems to be all right, the Death Eaters learn of Harry's whereabouts, and the teens are separated from their guardians, which leaves them all alone on their journey to find all of the horcruxes. With the Slytherin locket in tow, the third of the six horcruxes, Harry, Hermoine, and Ron must find a way to destroy it and the only way they can break it's powerful spell, the sword of Godric Gryffindor is needed. In the final installment of the Harry Potter story, things are getting more dangerous and, sadly, many beloved characters will lose their lives in the process of defeating Voldemort.
Teen Movies
Rating: PG-13